Friday, December 12, 2008

My "Pretend Job"

Sometimes, I tell myself, "I should get a real job." I apparently have a 'pretend job.' In a way, this is true, since some days I do not do much that people in the real professional world do. Today is a good example.

So one of my friends informs me today that she can't chat with me 'cuz she's crazy busy today. I ask what her current project is and she says its something to do with Nigeria, hospitals, the words "due diligence" and "analysis" were in there and some other fancy sounding stuff...big report. Wow. That sounds like a real job. She's researching and writing serious stuff for very important people to read and consider.

Guess what I have done today?

Yup, I am coloring, cutting and decorating bags like reindeer. That is part of my job today. I also stamped bags and then put gifts in them and sealed them with pretty ribbon. I also set up a photo area for Santa to sit and get pictures taken with kids. Yup. This is my job. We've got a Santa Lunch on Sunday, and since I'm apparently the "Special Events Coordinator" (wahoo! that sounds mildly important), I have to get stuff ready.

This new title is...well just! Apparently, when they hired the other lady to help out in the mornings, they decided I should focus that time on special events. I'm cool with that. Plus, some day when I look for that elusive "real job," Special Event Coordinator will look sweet on my resume!

Plus its kinda fun. Who doesn't like to spend their days coloring?

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