Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hitting the Wall

Sometimes phrases pop into my head and I think, that would be a great start to a blog or book. So I repeat the phrase to ensure I remember it...inevitably forgetting all about it 15 minutes later.

The point is I'm not so good at making myself sit down and actually write. I love to write. And sometimes when I do sit down, it just flows. But there are other days, generally the days when I have time to write, that I have forgotten those little phrases that would make a great post.

So about six months ago, I declared I was going to write a book. I've even got a title. I'm not sure how much to share on this wide open internet, as I really want to get this book going, so I'll just say its about how sometimes in relationships girls act irrationally. Basically. I intend for it to be a fun, light read.

The last few days a lot of thoughts have been swirling in my head and I haven't really had the opportunity to discuss them outloud, so after I got out of the shower this morning, I told myself to sit down and write. A great quote popped into my mind and got me started.

I told myself, write for one hour. I got about 35 minutes in and hit the I got up and got a piece of candy. Wrote another sentence. Got up and let the dog out. Rewrote the last sentence. Starred out the window at the dog. Starred at the last sentence I wrote. Let the dog in. Decided I needed some inspiration, so I googled some stuff. Jotted a couple notes down (yes on a real piece of paper). Now that candy made me thirsty, so up for a glass of water. I sat down all ready to continue writing, but just starred. Gosh darn it, I've got all day with nothing to do and its the perfect time to work on my book and I can't make it past a half page.

So I turned to blogging about it.

I remember a teacher of mine saying just like anything else you want to do better, you have to practice. So maybe I'm just out of practice. I need to do some writing exercise and I need to do them daily (wow, and apparently I need to practice my spelling too because it just took me five minutes to figure out how to spell exercise).

Monday, November 1, 2010

Why I Don't Vote

My parents were not especially political. In fact I don't recall it ever being a topic of conversation in my house. I never paid much attention to elections and politics in general. Then in college I lived with two political science majors. Elections, bills, laws, Senate Majority Leader, were regular topics of conversations (I was not included in these conversations, I just listened as I had no idea what they were actually talking about). They tried their darnedest to educate me, but not much sunk in. Well maybe not much sunk in, but it has made me more aware of the political world...doesn't mean I understand, just that I know its there and that it sounds like a big fat mess.

That leads me to the point of this post... the big fat mess. You can't turn any where right now without being inundated by ads for the upcoming election. At first they weren't so bad. Just introducing us to the candidates, giving us their take on important issues a few times during prime time tv. And then suddenly they were everywhere and they were getting nasty. The other day I was playing one of those stupid little addicting games on MSN and while my game was loading, an ad for the governor's seat played. Seriously? Is that necessary? I don't think the innundation would bother me so much if not for the content of the ads now. They have gotten mean and vicious. Why would I want to vote for either of you? You're telling me this guy didn't pay his taxes but wants everyone else to pay more but my other option is the guy who voted to give himself a raise but left the budget $13 million in the red.

Don't tell me why NOT to vote for the other guy! Tell me why I SHOULD vote for you! Isn't that why I should vote? So that you can make a change and make our world better? But how are you going to do that, how will I know you CAN do that, if all you're telling me is all the mistakes your opponent makes? And didn't your mother ever tell if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all?!?

I recently read an article that stated that negative ads work and "when they stop working, we'll stop running them." Well you don't give us another option. Try us. Give us an election where at least one candidate only runs positive ads and see what happens. I bet they get votes soley on the basis that they didn't say anything negative about anyone else. What are we telling future generations? It doesn't matter what you can do, its how bad you can make your opponent look.

Can't we change this way of doing things?