Sunday, August 10, 2008

Weekend Adventures

This weekend has been packed with a little more adventure than usual. Not necessarily a bad thing!

It all began Friday at work. I agreed to pet sit for Peajay next week, so she brought Willow in for me to take home. I've met this dog a few times and figured since she's small and is Ellie's "sister" it wouldn't be that bad. On Fridays I get to leave early so I figured she'd bring her in later in the morning, but she got there right as I pulled up. Ok. Ellie has come to work with me a few times and been ok so I didn't think much of it. Boy was I wrong. I was barely able to work because this dog is HYPER! She barely sat still and if I wasn't paying attention to her, she'd bark. Thankfully, there weren't many people around and no classes, so she basically only disrupted my office work. Anyway, Willow is rather sweet, just a bit higher maintenance than Ellie. She's also not as cute.

See. As we speak (or rather type), Rob is calling her ugly...which is a little harsh. But her and Ellie are doing well together. Friday evening they were a little unsure of how to interact, but as time has gone by, they've become fast friends again. But I'm not so sure if Willow is good for I looked out the window when they were out together and saw this...

They're digging holes. More specifically Ellie is digging holes while Willow appears to be on the look out. Bad girls. After a little while I let them in (kind of forgetting what they'd been doing) and found them covered in dirt. Willow wasn't too bad, but Ellie...she's the one who'd been doing most of the digging. She was covered in dirt...her paws, her belly, her mouth. Look for yourself!

Needless to say, a bath is in order. Before I caught them, they both, with their dirty paws, jumped up on my clean, fresh, bright white sheets. Grr.

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