Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Kick to the Groin

I watched the movie "North Country" tonight. Yeah, I'm a little late on the uptake, but I figured it was about time. So, since there was nothing good on TV, I decided to pop it in.

I understand that women were treated inferior in the past, but I can't get past that it took so long for anyone to do anything about it. While I was watching I became infuriated with, obviously the men, but also the women who didn't seem to stick up for themselves. I would think think, nay I know that if I were in a similar situation, I would throw it right back at the men. I would say nasty things (probably a bit later cuz I'm not my wittiest under pressure), I would kick and I might even scream. I would not however sit idly by and let that kind of treatment ensue.

In the end, I realized that while I am sorry that those and other women had to endure that but am uber thankful that they did so that laws could exist to keep that from happening to women today. I am grateful that I do not have to take crap on a daily basis, keeping my mouth shut or have to kick men in the groin in order to remind them that I too am human.

Thank you women of the North Country for not putting up with that sh** and taking a stand. Thank you.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

hmm I have never heard of this movie! Sounds like something I would have to watch for school though. We might get a Netflix membership, I might have to add it to the list.