Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Let me start by saying Rob decided he wanted to cook Thanksgiving dinner for his family. Zach told me I could sleep in his dining room. And my parents were going to be thousands of miles away for the holiday. I wasn't exactly excited about the upcoming holiday.

After a week of fretting over where I would spend Thanksgiving and not being thrilled with my options, my mom sent me an email Wednesday morning telling me she'd fly me out to Idaho. After considering it for a bit I said yes! I needed to get out of town and seeing my parents would be the perfect place to go. She found Zach a decently priced ticket also and so the two of us flew to Idaho on Thursday morning. It was a great trip. We got to spend the holiday together and were able to have some quality family time. Friday afternoon we took a "hike" into the surrounding area and were able to see some gorgeous scenery.

On Saturday before we left for the airport, we went for a drive so my parents could show us the mountains in the area. Once again, gorgeous scenery. It was a cloudy day, but it actually made for some neat pictures.

I'm looking forward to going back in a couple weeks! There's a lot to see and do out there, and I'm definitely excited about it!

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