Speaking of rain, it was just a downpour on my way home from work today. First, I brilliantly stepped in a large puddle with my ballet flats when I got out at Walmart. Thankfully, I found a close spot, but I still got wet. And of course I was wearing glasses, so by the time I got into the store, I couldn't see because of all the drops. I went to wipe them off and all it did was smear...not dry. Grr. On the drive back, the rain was coming down so hard that I had to turn my wipers on the spastic setting - going so fast you barely see them. I have two settings on this car...the calm speed and the spastic speed. I feel like I'm being judged when I use the spastic settting, but it was definately called for today. Especially when passing the giant semis. It did remind me of Gretta the Jetta though. At then end of her time with me, her wiper engine kind of gave out and just didn't want to go any faster than "old man shuffle." I honestly couldn't drive safely when it rained with more furver than a spitting. So once again, I am thankful for my "new" Civic with all its working parts. Oh, except for that gas door...I have to do the ghetto opening trick by going through the trunk. Gotta get that fixed!
I think that on Thursday I am going to go into work late and get a massage. Mmmm. That sounds lovely. I think I'll be working later that night, so I'd just be flexing my hours so as not to go into over time. I think that's okay...
I went to IKEA (twice) and upped my collection of their furniture and accessories and am so happy! I spent last weekend working on turning the back room into something beautiful.
Next up...Bathroom Renovation. Ahhh!
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