Monday, February 9, 2009

Is the washer running?

Yeah, I retracted. So what. I can do that as it is my own blog.

Yesterday I wrote a post about how its nice to have girl friends who are in the same place in life as you are. I went out with a single friend with no kids and its just a different atmosphere than when I go out with my married girl friends who have kids. I love them all dearly, just in different ways.

That was the basis of yesterdays post. Plus something thrown in there about a Sex in the City episode about "The Marrieds." Anyway, the post just left an icky taste in my mouth because I didn't feel it came out correctly.

So I erased it.

In other news...after writing yesterday, I had a small adventure.

Owning a home doesn't sound all that different from renting...until you actually own a home. You live in a home for years with your parents and maybe rent a house...hell even a one bedroom apartment. You've got living without Mom & Dad down. You slowly begin to realize all that small stuff you were sure you knew didn't seem to actually stick with you.

Yesterday, Rob went out to wash the back patio off. All the snow had melted and it was a fairly warm day, but our patio had many remnants of Ellie...who refuses to step foot in the snow. So Rob decided to spray off all the turds and proceeded to go outside and do what he said he was going to do. After about 10 minutes I realized the water sounded funny. It sounded like the washer was filling up.

But wait. I didn't start the washer!

I ran downstairs to investigate and found the pipe to the outside had split open and was showering the Christmas decoration and the rest of the back corner of the basement. So Rob and I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning up and fixing the pipe. Thank goodness it was a fairly easy fix. And thank goodness his handy uncle lives so close!

Lesson learned: unhook the hose from the spout in the winter.

I vaguely remember hearing this piece of evidence, but apparently it did not stick. However, from now on, I will always make sure the hose is unhooked.

I was just complaining that nothing was happening in my life. I couldn't even drum up enough to write my update for the girls. Guess this was God's way of remedying that! Ha! Be careful of what you ask for!

1 comment:

david. said...

Do you ever get this empty feeling deep in your chest? Like something doesn't feel right or is missing in your life? Such a gaping hole in your heart, but so difficult to pinpoint...

Oh yeah, you haven't cleaned up the basement from water damage and/or flood in a few weeks. Seriously, how often do you make messes down there... :)