Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Bookstore

When I walk into a bookstore, my senses are immediately heightened. A chill of excitement runs through my body as I walk into the rows and rows of books. As I glace at the first table of books I can feel my heart start to race. I can not wait to put my hands on the textured cover of the latest bestselling hardcover or to run my fingers over a sleek magazine cover. Coffee is generally the strongest scent, enticing me to stop by the cafe for one of the hot, fragrant beverages. As I wrap my fingers around the warm cup, I head back out to the rows of books and begin to browse. The magazines with their shiny and colorful covers catch my eye and I peruse by, reading the headlines that are screaming for my attention. Sometimes I'll get sucked in and pull one from the shelf to skim, checking out the bright ads and the beautiful clothes and accessories that create in me an envious passion for them. I realize I will probably never have access to the majority of items in the magazine and return it to the shelf. I walk out of Periodicals and return to the real reason I've come, to the books that are calling my name. They call me from Chick Lit and Romance. I walk by the Pet section and am drawn to the slick covers with handsome looking pups on them. Some days the Self Help books call me to check them out, and sometimes even the technical books on the latest gadget make me stop and glance. By far, the place that always calls the loudest, is Bargain Row. For one reason or another, these books have been placed here and marked down way below their value...and as a bargain hunter, I can not generally pass up this delicious section. I take my time and wonder though, reading all the titles and picking up a book here and there to flip through its interiors filled with a variety of information. It is this variety that intrigues me most. There are trivia books, game books, books on a dog's thoughts, and books about every war. Sometimes, if I'm lucky, I'll come across a golden nugget, something I've had my eye on for some time. Perhaps a book on 'tape' who's author's golden voice has been cooing me to listen for the last few months, or a new journal, fresh with possibilities, or a book who's title and cover I can not turn my eyes from. My heart quickens again at the prospect of bringing this item home with me. I feel like this item could change my future. As I hold the item in my hands and turn it over, inspecting front, back and the internal contents, the rest of the store recedes and I am left alone with my new found friend. It is a rush like no other when the purchase is made and the bag with my precious new item is handed to me. I am free to take it home and bask within it and I am content...until the next time I walk through those doors.

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