Sunday, October 3, 2010

Random Musings

I could do without estrogen some days. Its just a pain in my ass.

I went in for wiper blades and cat food but couldn't leave without ice cream and cookies too.

I'm glad my weekends aren't over planned...but I wish I had a few more things to do.

I will know my Prince Charming when he takes me to Disney World.

There is no major difference between my Victoria Secret underwear and my Hanes ones, but I definitely feel sexier in my Vickies.

Sitcoms have given me an unrealistic expectation for my friends. I want friends my age that want to hang out at the bar or coffee house every day.

The crappy thing about dating is that I have to keep my legs shaved again.

I spent like 15 minutes deciding on underwear in Wal-mart today. When I got home, I realized I picked up the wrong style. Damn it.

(That last one could really be a metaphor for my life recently.)

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