Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Vampires and Such

The latest phenomenon around here has been the book series "The Twilight Saga." I kind of scoffed at them at first as they were originally intended for young adults and include a line of vampire characters, but I kept hearing about them. The girls at work talked about them, the people on TV talked about them. And the books were all over the stores. Rob has a thing for vampire stories, so I told him about them and the next time we were at Walmart, we picked up the first book.

He finished it in less than a week and had to go and get the second book immediately.

That's when he started pestering me about reading them. I was in the middle of another book that I just couldn't motivate myself to finish and I wasn't up for starting something new...much less a silly book about vampires.

Well I got bored the other night. I picked up the big fat book and decided to see if it was worth digging all the way through. The book is written very well. It just keeps you reading. I think I read 120 pages the first night more because it was an easy read than due to the story line. But the storyline picked up and then I couldn't put the stupid book down. I think I finished the 500 page bohemith in 3 sittings.

So I'd heard about the obsession people had with the characters and the storyline and kind of laughed at them. But as I got into the story, it was all I could think about. Yesterday I couldn't wait to get home to continue reading. I looked up stuff on the internet. It was pathetic. I was one of those people I had been laughing at!

The author does such a good job at capturing feelings and putting them in words. I was transported back to high school and was giddy with excitement for Bella when she got to see Edward. I remembered that butterfly feeling of seeing the guy you had a crush on and the all-consuming thoughts of that person. The excitement of a new love! I miss that. I could do without the vampires and oddities, but the book reminded me of a feeling that disappears after a while in a long term relationship. It stirs something inside of you!

Needless to say, I can't wait to start the second book. Thank goodness it a series, because I would seriously be disappointed if I didn't get more of Edward and Bella!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

That's so cool that you are reading these books! I have never read any of them, but I have always been intrigued. Yeah it's a pre-teen/teenage book or whatever, but so is Harry Potter and I can't live without those books! Sad I know, but true. How many books have been written so far, just 2?